欧洲核研究组织同意从2027年开始的法国新太阳能项目中获取10%的电力。 CERN agrees to get 10% of its electricity from new French solar projects starting in 2027.
欧洲核研究组织与法国能源提供商签署了长期协议,自2027年起,确保每年10%的电力使用能用上太阳能。 CERN has signed long-term agreements with French energy providers to secure solar power for 10% of its annual electricity use starting in 2027. 电力将来自法国南部三个太阳能项目, 覆盖约90公顷。 The power will come from three solar projects in southern France, covering about 90 hectares. 这一行动旨在使欧洲核研究组织的研究更有利于环境,符合该组织减少环境影响的承诺。 This move aims to make CERN's research more environmentally friendly, aligning with the organization's commitment to reducing its environmental impact.