澳大利亚通过法律,将16岁定为社交媒体的最低年龄,这有可能使变性青年与世隔绝。 Australia passes law setting 16 as minimum age for social media, risking isolation for transgender youth.
澳大利亚已通过一项法案,规定社交媒体保护儿童的最低年龄为16岁,但专家们警告说,这可能伤害变性青年,他们经常利用这些平台寻求支持和资源。 Australia has passed a bill setting a minimum age of 16 for social media to protect children, but experts warn this could harm transgender youth, who often use these platforms to find support and resources. 变性青年的自杀率和心理健康问题已经较高。 Transgender youth already face higher rates of suicide and mental health issues. 立法可能会孤立他们,并限制他们进入关键的在线社区。 The legislation may isolate them and limit access to crucial online communities.