亚历克斯·洛威(Alex Lowe)扮演受崇拜者喜爱的克林顿·巴普蒂斯特(Clinton Baptiste)角色, 宣布英国2026年的旅游日期。 Alex Lowe, playing cult favorite character Clinton Baptiste, announces UK tour dates for 2026.
Clinton Baptiste(Clinton Baptiste)是彼得·凯(Peter Kay)的「凤凰之夜」(Phoenix Nights)的新人物, 将于2026年2月和3月巡视英国, Clinton Baptiste, the clairvoyant character from Peter Kay's "Phoenix Nights," will tour the UK in February and March 2026, performing his new show "Spectral Intercourse." Alex Lowe扮演克林顿·巴蒂斯特(Clinton Baptiste)的角色, Alex Lowe plays Clinton Baptiste, a character who has gained cult status and completed four previous sell-out tours. 参观包括停在布莱克浦歌剧院和萨尔福德的Lowry, 今天售票。 The tour includes stops at Blackpool's Opera House and The Lowry in Salford, with tickets going on sale today.