在世界艾滋病日, 艾滋病毒活动家Ibanomonde Ngema接管了Charlize Theron的Instagram, 以对抗艾滋病毒污名化。 On World AIDS Day, HIV activist Ibanomonde Ngema takes over Charlize Theron's Instagram to fight HIV stigma.
在12月1日世界艾滋病日, 21岁的艾滋病毒抗体活跃分子Ibanomonde Ngema将接管Charlize Theron的Instagram, 以提高对携带艾滋病毒的年轻人的认识。 On World AIDS Day, December 1, 21-year-old HIV activist Ibanomonde Ngema will take over Charlize Theron's Instagram to raise awareness about young people living with HIV. 奥斯卡奖得主兼联合国和平使者Theron支持Ngema努力减少污名并提倡青年健康。 Theron, an Oscar winner and UN Messenger of Peace, supports Ngema's efforts to reduce stigma and advocate for youth health. Charlize Theron非洲外联项目向南部非洲410多万青年提供了健康教育和预防暴力。 The Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project has reached over 4.1 million youth in Southern Africa with health education and violence prevention.