2岁儿童在布里斯班的学校停车场被一辆汽车击中后死亡。 Two-year-old dies after being hit by a vehicle in a school carpark in Brisbane.
一名两岁男孩在布里斯班西南的杜拉克州立学校停车场被一辆汽车击中后死亡。 A two-year-old boy was killed after being hit by a vehicle in the carpark of Durack State School in Brisbane's south-west. 下午3时30分左右,紧急服务处作出了反应,但男孩在现场死亡。 Emergency services responded around 3:30 pm, but the boy died at the scene. 警方正在进行调查,有一名妇女协助调查。 Police are investigating, with a woman assisting their inquiries. 昆士兰警察局促请司机避免危险行为,包括超速和分心,以促进道路安全。 The Queensland Police Service urges drivers to avoid dangerous behaviors including speeding and distractions to promote road safety.