在警察使用轮胎通缩装置在魁北克附近的高速公路上拦住她之后,Teen受到指控。 Teen charged after police used a tire deflation device to stop her on a highway near Quebec.
一名来自蒙特利尔的16岁女孩被指控,因为警察在魁北克边境附近的417号公路上使用轮胎通货紧缩装置拦住她,据称她拒绝为她们停车。 A 16-year-old girl from Montreal was charged after police used a tire deflation device to stop her on Highway 417, near the Quebec border, after she allegedly refused to stop for them. 她正面临包括盗窃机动车辆和无照驾驶在内的指控。 She is facing charges including theft of a motor vehicle and driving without a license. 嫌犯将于12月12日出庭,但由于《青少年刑事司法法》,她的姓名被拒。 The suspect will appear in court on December 12, but her name is withheld due to the Youth Criminal Justice Act.