Oli McVeigh老师被命名为“一秀”中学年度教师。 Teacher Oli McVeigh was named Teacher of the Year in a Secondary School at The One Show.
“一出人意料的表演”英语教师Oli McVeigh与皮尔逊国家中学教师年度教学奖。 The One Show surprised English teacher Oli McVeigh with the Pearson National Teaching Awards for Teacher of the Year in a Secondary School. 主持人Roman Kemp宣布了奖项, McVeigh的学生和同事的证词赞扬了他的献身精神和影响。 Host Roman Kemp announced the award, and testimonials from McVeigh's students and colleagues praised his dedication and impact. 情感瞬间包括巴斯提尔的 Dan Smith 的特别留言。 The emotional moment included a special message from Bastille's Dan Smith.