Rare "Wizard of Oz" 红宝石拖鞋,被偷和追回, 将在达拉斯拍卖最高达3M元。 Rare "Wizard of Oz" ruby slippers, stolen and recovered, to be auctioned in Dallas for up to $3M.
Judy Garland的红宝石拖鞋将于12月7日在达拉斯拍卖, 预计价格可达300万美元。 Judy Garland's ruby slippers from "The Wizard of Oz" will be auctioned in Dallas on December 7, with an expected price of up to $3 million. 拖鞋是唯一为这部电影制作的四对拖鞋之一,2005年被盗,2018年被埋在Tupperware盒子中后于2018年找到。 The slippers, one of only four pairs made for the film, were stolen in 2005 and recovered in 2018 after being buried in a Tupperware box. 小偷Terry Martin被判处缓刑 The thief, Terry Martin, received a suspended prison sentence. 拖鞋自1970年以来一直与私人收藏家在一起,拍卖前将在伦敦展出。 The slippers have been with a private collector since 1970 and will be displayed in London prior to the auction. 《奥兹魔法师》和《朱曼吉》的其他纪念品也将出售。 Other memorabilia from "The Wizard of Oz" and "Jumanji" will also be sold.