Rapper Akala否认与Angelina Jolie有关系的传闻, 介绍他的女朋友Chanelle Newman。 Rapper Akala denies rumors of a relationship with Angelina Jolie, introducing his girlfriend Chanelle Newman.
英国饶舌歌手Akala否认与Angelina Jolie有浪漫关系的传闻, British rapper Akala has denied rumors of a romantic relationship with Angelina Jolie, introducing Chanelle Newman as his girlfriend at a recent Christmas party. Jolie和Akala多年来一直是朋友,在人道主义项目上进行合作,但一个消息来源证实,他们的关系完全是柏拉图式关系。 Jolie and Akala have been friends for years, collaborating on humanitarian projects, but a source confirmed their relationship is strictly platonic. Akala公开介绍纽曼(Newman)时, 揭穿了浪漫的谣言。 Rumors of a romance began in May but were debunked by Akala's public introduction of Newman.