波多黎各法官的裁决可能会进一步拖延选举选票的认证,超过最后期限。 Puerto Rican judge's ruling could further delay certification of election votes past the deadline.
波多黎各法官最近作出的裁决可能进一步拖延11月5日大选的选票认证。 A recent ruling by a Puerto Rican judge may further delay the certification of votes from the November 5 general elections. 法官下令将早期投票计算在内, 即使要求投票的邮政地址与选民的登记地址不同, The judge ordered early votes to be counted even if the postal address used to request them differs from the voter’s registration address, angering the opposition Popular Democratic Party, which plans to appeal. 核证进程已经推迟,因为诸如增加写入选票和床边选票错误等问题,而最后期限现已推迟到12月26日,尽管当地法律要求在12月31日前完成。 The certification process has already been delayed due to issues like increased write-in votes and errors in bedside ballots, with the deadline now pushed to December 26, though local law requires completion by December 31.