艾伯塔省北部的护士从业者开放独立诊所,以增加获得初级保健的机会。 Nurse practitioners in Northern Alberta open independent clinics to boost primary care access.
4名护士从业者在艾伯塔省北部城镇开设了独立诊所,这是4月为增加初级保健机会而启动的省级方案的一部分。 Four nurse practitioners have opened independent clinics in Northern Alberta towns, part of a provincial program launched in April to increase primary care access. 自其启动以来,67份申请中有56份获得批准,目前有33名护士从业者为多达30 000名患者提供服务。 Since its launch, 56 of 67 applications have been approved, with 33 nurse practitioners now serving up to 30,000 patients. 该方案使护士从业者能够经营自己的诊所,提供课后护理,至少接待900名病人,并给予类似于收费服务医生的补偿。 The program allows nurse practitioners to operate their own clinics, offering after-hours care and handling at least 900 patients, with compensation similar to fee-for-service doctors.