Jason Ortiz,17岁,因重罪谋杀罪被捕,16岁的Jose Batz在Gwinnett县枪击中身亡。 Jason Ortiz, 17, arrested for felony murder after 16-year-old Jose Batz was killed in Gwinnett County shooting.
一名17岁的Jason Joel Ortiz在格鲁吉亚Gwinnett县Huntington Ridge公寓开枪打死16岁的Jose Yahir Batz,之后被捕,被控犯有重罪谋杀和其他罪行。 A 17-year-old, Jason Joel Ortiz, was arrested and charged with felony murder and other offenses after a shooting that killed 16-year-old Jose Yahir Batz at Huntington Ridge apartments in Gwinnett County, Georgia. 这起事件发生在11月8日, 警方在Batz尸体附近发现一大笔钱, 表明可能发生暴力性抢劫或交易。 The incident occurred on November 8th, and police found a large sum of money near Batz's body, suggesting a potential robbery or transaction that turned violent. Ortiz被关押在Gwinnett县监狱,当局敦促任何掌握情报的人与警方联系。 Ortiz is held at Gwinnett County Jail, and authorities urge anyone with information to contact the police.