一名不列颠哥伦比亚农民因驾驶危险车辆造成老年人死亡而被判处缓刑。 A farmer in BC sentenced to probation for causing a senior's death while driving dangerously.
一名在不列颠哥伦比亚三角洲的司机承认经营一辆农车是危险的,导致77岁的Joan Shery死亡,他被判处三年缓刑和缓期监禁。 A driver in Delta, BC, who admitted to operating a farm vehicle dangerously, leading to the death of 77-year-old Joan Sherry, has been sentenced to three years' probation and a suspended jail term. 王国政府曾要求判处两年的有条件徒刑和五年的驾驶禁令。 The Crown had sought a two-year conditional sentence and a five-year driving ban. Sandhu还必须支付200美元的受害者附加费。 Sandhu must also pay a $200 victim surcharge. Sherry的家人感到失望,认为判决未能阻止农场车辆今后的危险作业。 Sherry's family is disappointed, arguing the sentence fails to deter future dangerous operations of farm vehicles.