Efrain Troncoso,22岁,面临十项重罪指控,包括谋杀未遂,罪名是在文图拉发生暴力暴动。 Efrain Troncoso, 22, faces ten felony charges, including attempted murder, for a violent spree in Ventura.
Efrain Troncoso, 22岁无家可归的男子, 因11月23日在文图拉暴力犯罪, 面临十项重罪指控, Efrain Troncoso, a 22-year-old homeless man, faces ten felony charges, including attempted murder and robbery, for a violent crime spree in Ventura on November 23. Troncoso以前因纵火而被捕,但在被指控犯有轻罪后被释放。 Troncoso was previously arrested for arson but was released after being charged with misdemeanors. 新指控源于一系列袭击,包括刺杀和抢劫。 The new charges stem from a series of attacks, including stabbings and robberies. 他目前被拘留,没有保释,定于12月19日举行精神病能力听证会。 He is currently in custody without bail, and a mental competency hearing is scheduled for December 19.