中国杂技演员张凯在一场致命的阶段性事故中丧偶,在类似的坠落中受重伤。 Chinese acrobat Zhang Kai, widowed by a fatal stage accident, was seriously hurt in a similar fall.
中国杂技演员张凯在去年秋天的一场致命事件中失去了妻子,他在本周的另一起事件中受重伤。 Chinese acrobat Zhang Kai, who lost his wife in a fatal on-stage fall last year, was seriously injured in another incident this week. 在河南省一次空中丝绸活动中,张先生从起重机上脱落的布料断掉几米后摔倒了几公尺。 During an aerial silks routine in Henan province, Zhang fell several meters after the fabric he was holding broke loose from a crane. 他遭受了伤痕和腿骨折,但没有生命危险。 He suffered face injuries and leg fractures but was not in life-threatening condition. 去年他妻子在类似表演中死亡,引起公众对安全措施的愤慨,导致要求严格管制杂技行业。 His wife's death in a similar performance last year sparked public outrage over safety measures, leading to calls for stricter regulations in the acrobatic industry.