Chhattisgarh为10和12级实际考试设定了2025年1月10日至31日的考试,对缺勤没有重新安排。 Chhattisgarh sets Jan 10-31, 2025, for Class 10 and 12 practical exams, with no rescheduling for absences.
Chhattisgarh中等教育委员会确定了从2025年1月10日至31日10年级和12年级学生实际考试日期。 The Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) has set practical exam dates for Class 10 and 12 students from January 10 to 31, 2025. 考试将在学校或考试中心举行,不为缺勤学生重新安排时间。 Exams will be held at schools or exam centers without rescheduling for absent students. 标记必须在2月10日之前提交,延误费为每天1000卢比。 Marks must be submitted by February 10, with a late fee of Rs 1000 per day for delays. 外部考官将监督实际考试,而项目工作将由学校内部管理。 External examiners will oversee practical exams while project work will be managed internally by schools.