加拿大Kent Miller中校在比利时服役期间死亡,协助乌克兰的军事训练。 Canadian Lt.-Col. Kent Miller died while serving in Belgium, aiding Ukraine's military training.
Canada-Col.Kent Miller中校,一名工程军官,有24年经验,在统一行动下在比利时服役期间因医疗并发症死亡,统一行动是乌克兰军队的训练。 Canadian Lt.-Col. Kent Miller, an engineering officer with 24 years of experience, died of medical complications while serving in Belgium under Operation Unifier, which trains Ukrainian military. Miller是艾伯塔省41个作战工兵团的指挥官,当时在比利时进行规划和协调。 Miller was the commanding officer of 41 Combat Engineer Regiment in Alberta and was in Belgium for planning and coordination. 加拿大武装部队和官员向他的家属和同事表示哀悼。 Canadian Armed Forces and officials expressed condolences to his family and colleagues.