Amphenol 报告了强劲的第三季度收益,投资者情绪喜忧参半,因为一些人减少了股份,另一些人增加了持股。 Amphenol reports strong Q3 earnings, sees mixed investor sentiment as some reduce stakes, others increase holdings.
信托信托公司和MetLife投资管理公司减少了在Amphenol公司的股票头寸,而Noesis资本管理公司则增加了其股份。 Fiduciary Trust Co and MetLife Investment Management have reduced their stock positions in Amphenol Co., while Noesis Capital Management Corp has increased its stake. 安芬醇最近报告Q3收入为每股0.50美元,超过分析员的预期。 Amphenol recently reported Q3 earnings of $0.50 per share, exceeding analysts' expectations. 该公司还宣布季度股息为每股0.165美元。 The company also announced a quarterly dividend of $0.165 per share. Amphenol 的内部人士最近出售了大量股票,过去三个月总计 1.28858 亿美元。 Amphenol's insiders have sold a significant amount of shares recently, totaling $128.858 million in the last three months.