ABC主席 Kim Williams强烈谴责Joe Rogan的播客内容, ABC Chairman Kim Williams strongly condemned Joe Rogan's podcast content as "deeply repulsive" during a speech.
澳洲广播公司主席Kim Williams严厉批评美国播客Joe Rogan(Joe Rogan), 称他的内容“令人深恶痛绝”, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Chairman Kim Williams harshly criticized US podcaster Joe Rogan, calling his content "deeply repulsive" and exploitative of fears and anxieties. Williams在国家新闻俱乐部发表演讲时发表了评论,他也讨论了投资传统媒体以打击错误信息的必要性。 Williams' comments came during a speech at the National Press Club, where he also discussed the need for investment in traditional media to combat misinformation. Rogan和Elon Musk对Williams的言论作出批评性回应。 Rogan and Elon Musk responded critically to Williams' remarks.