西弗吉尼亚州公园推出在线商店 免费托特袋 提供黑星期五。 West Virginia State Parks launches online store with free tote bags offer for Black Friday.
西弗吉尼亚州公园(West Virginia State Parks)已推出一个在线商店, 提供各种商品, West Virginia State Parks has launched an online store offering a variety of merchandise like shirts, bags, and drinkware featuring the state's natural beauty. 州长Jim Justice宣布了这家商店, 向头1 000个黑周五50美元以上的订货 免费提供包装袋。 Governor Jim Justice announced the store, which offers free tote bags to the first 1,000 Black Friday orders over $50. 新的在线平台旨在为人们提供方便的方式, 将西弗吉尼亚州的一块东西带回家。 The new online platform aims to provide an easy way for people to bring a piece of West Virginia into their homes.