旧金山101号公路的多车辆撞车造成交通延误,关闭了车道。 Multi-vehicle crash on Highway 101 in San Francisco causes traffic delays, closes lanes.
星期二下午,在Cesar Chavez街附近的旧金山南面101号高速公路发生多车辆撞车事故,造成交通延误,特别是前往机场的交通延误。 A multi-vehicle crash on southbound Highway 101 in San Francisco near Cesar Chavez Street on Tuesday afternoon caused traffic delays, especially for those heading to the airport. 这次碰撞于下午1时30分左右发生,最初封锁了三条车道,后来又重新开放一条。 The collision, occurring around 1:30 pm, initially blocked three lanes with one reopening later. 据报轻度至中度受伤,当局建议使用I-280等替代路线。 Minor to moderate injuries were reported, and authorities advised using alternate routes like I-280. 截至下午2时,两条车道仍然关闭。 As of 2 pm, two lanes remained closed.