湖人队在下半场步履蹒跚,尽管开局强劲,但在 NBA 杯中输给了太阳队。 Lakers falter in second half, losing to Suns in NBA Cup despite strong start.
洛杉矶湖人继续其最近的下半场表现不佳趋势, 在NBA杯中输给凤凰太阳队。 The Los Angeles Lakers continued their recent trend of poor second-half performances, losing to the Phoenix Suns in the NBA Cup. 尽管有一个强劲的开端,湖人队在比赛的后半部分却步履维艰,无法保持对太阳队的领先地位。 Despite a strong start, the Lakers faltered in the latter part of the game, unable to maintain their lead against the Suns. 这一损失凸显了湖人在整个赛事中维持其表现方面持续存在的问题。 This loss highlights ongoing issues for the Lakers in sustaining their performance throughout full games.