法官驳回针对Netflix提出的诉讼, 要求撤销对账户共享的影响。 Judge dismisses lawsuit against Netflix over claims of downplaying account sharing impact.
一名美国区法官驳回了对Netflix的诉讼,指控该公司低估了账户共享对其用户增长的影响。 A U.S. District Judge dismissed a lawsuit against Netflix, which accused the company of downplaying the impact of account sharing on its subscriber growth. 法官裁定,Netflix关于其市场渗透的言论不是虚假的或误导性的,没有证据表明该公司隐瞒了账户共享的影响。 The judge ruled that Netflix's statements about its market penetration were not false or misleading and found no evidence that the company had concealed the effects of account sharing. 这一最后驳回意味着原告不能对申诉作进一步修改。 This final dismissal means the plaintiff cannot amend the complaint further.