机构投资者增加Roper Technology的股票,以强劲的收益和红利推动其价值上升。 Institutional investors boost Roper Technologies' stock, driving its value up with strong earnings and dividends.
FORA Capital和其他机构投资者增加了对Roper Technologies的股权,使它的股票价值上升。 FORA Capital and other institutional investors have increased their stakes in Roper Technologies, driving its stock value up. 据Roper Technologies报告,第三季度每个份额的收益为4.62美元,比分析家的预期多出0.09美元。 Roper Technologies reported $4.62 earnings per share for the third quarter, exceeding analysts' expectations by $0.09. 该公司宣布每股季度红利为0.825美元,现在机构投资者拥有93.31%的股票。 The company announced a quarterly dividend of $0.825 per share, with institutional investors now owning 93.31% of the stock. 尽管总经理卖股票, 分析师还是给股价评为“多价购买”, 标价为620.80美元。 Despite a director selling shares, analysts have given the stock a "Moderate Buy" rating with a price target of $620.80.