土著领袖呼吁抓住机会,就影响澳大利亚原住民的法律提供咨询意见。 Indigenous leader calls for seizing opportunity to advise on laws affecting First Nations in Australia.
Leeroy Bilney是南澳大利亚第一位土著对议会之声的领袖, 他呼吁抓住“一生一次的机会”改善原住民的生活。 Leeroy Bilney, leader of South Australia's first Indigenous Voice to Parliament, called for seizing a "once in a lifetime opportunity" to improve the lives of First Nations people. 该声音允许土著领袖就影响其社区的法律和政策提供咨询意见。 The Voice allows Indigenous leaders to advise on laws and policies affecting their communities. Bilney强调了土著儿童在教育和发展成果方面的巨大差距。 Bilney highlighted significant gaps in education and development outcomes for Indigenous children. 尽管有些怀疑, 土著事务部长Kyam Maher认为「声音」将推动积极变化, 改善生活, Despite some skepticism, Indigenous Affairs Minister Kyam Maher believes the Voice will drive positive change and improve lives.