Harris的竞选团队为Trump的损失辩护, Harris' campaign team defends loss to Trump, citing short campaign and media criticism.
Kamala Harris的竞选领袖在短短107天的反对Donald Trump运动中捍卫了自己的策略, Kamala Harris' campaign leaders defended their strategy during the short 107-day campaign against Donald Trump, attributing their loss to the compressed timeframe and anti-incumbent sentiment. 他们批评媒体对Harris的采访策略的描述,并维护她与温和的共和党的接触。 They criticized the media's portrayal of Harris' interview strategy and defended her outreach to moderate Republicans. 尽管遭受了损失,小组强调取得了强有力的筹资和志愿工作等成就。 Despite the loss, the team highlighted achievements like strong fundraising and volunteer efforts. 批评者认为团队未能承认战略错误。 Critics argue the team failed to acknowledge strategic mistakes.