法国和日本的电视剧"上帝之滴"获得国际艾美奖最佳剧情. The French-Japanese series "Drops of God" wins International Emmy Award for best drama.
以日本流行漫画为基础的法日迷你系列“上帝之宝”赢得了最佳戏剧系列国际Emmy奖。 The French-Japanese mini-series "Drops of God," based on a popular Japanese manga, has won the International Emmy Award for best drama series. 这个节目在苹果电视+上流传, 跟随一位法国红酒评论家的离散女儿, 与她父亲的徒弟竞争, 要求她继承遗产。 The show, streaming on Apple TV+, follows an estranged daughter of a French wine critic competing with her father’s protege to claim her inheritance. 国际Emmy颁奖奖非美国电视制作的荣誉,为国际和美国的节目单独举办活动。 The International Emmy Awards honor non-U.S. television productions, with separate events for international and American shows.