Delivery Hero 将 Talabat 的 IPO 规模扩大到 20 亿美元,这是阿联酋今年最大的 IPO。 Delivery Hero expands Talabat's IPO to $2 billion, marking the UAE's largest listing this year.
德国一家食品交付公司 " 送货英雄 " 已经将塔拉巴特的IPO扩大至20亿美元,成为阿联酋今年最大的名单。 Delivery Hero, a German food delivery company, has expanded Talabat's IPO to $2 billion, making it the UAE's largest listing this year. Talabat在八个国家开展业务,将出售其股份的20%。 Talabat, which operates in eight countries, will sell 20% of its stake. 该公司的价值为102亿美元,其估值比早先预测的144亿美元有所下降。 The company, valued at $10.2 billion, has seen its valuation drop from an earlier forecast of $14.4 billion. 尽管如此,列名表明对中东技术公司很感兴趣,是该区域上市量增加趋势的一部分。 Despite this, the listing signals a strong interest in Middle Eastern tech companies and is part of a trend of increased listings in the region.