Darrion C. Walker,22岁,在斯普林菲尔德因入室盗窃、偷车和其他罪行被捕。 Darrion C. Walker, 22, arrested for burglaries, vehicle theft, and other crimes in Springfield.
来自斯普林菲尔德的22岁的Darrion C. Walker因盗窃、盗窃车辆和盗窃财产等多项罪行被捕。 Darrion C. Walker, a 22-year-old from Springfield, was arrested for multiple crimes including burglaries, vehicle theft, and theft of property. 指控源于两天多的事件,涉及停车场入室盗窃、从一家旅馆盗窃车辆和在一家药房企图入室盗窃。 The charges stem from incidents over two days, involving a garage burglary, vehicle theft from a hotel, and an attempted burglary at a dispensary. Walker通过安全录像被查出,目前在押,等待12月初出庭。 Walker was identified through security footage and is in custody, awaiting a court appearance in early December.