花旗集团任命贝莱德前高管凯特·摩尔 (Kate Moore) 为花旗财富的新任首席投资官。 Citigroup names Kate Moore, former BlackRock exec, as new chief investment officer for Citi Wealth.
花旗集团已任命凯特·摩尔为新的花旗财富首席投资干事(CIO),自2月起生效。 Citigroup has appointed Kate Moore as the new chief investment officer (CIO) for Citi Wealth, effective February. Moore以前是BlackRock的投资组合经理兼主题战略负责人,将负责为客户制定和提供投资战略。 Moore, formerly a portfolio manager and head of thematic strategy at BlackRock, will be responsible for developing and delivering investment strategies for clients. 她接替了Steven Wieting, 他曾是临时首席信息干事。 She succeeds Steven Wieting, who has been interim CIO.