阿拉巴马州A&M大学新生足球运动员 Medrick Burnett Jr. 死于一场比赛碰撞。 Alabama A&M University freshman football player Medrick Burnett Jr. died after a game collision.
阿拉巴马州农工大学后卫 Medrick Burnett Jr. 是一名 20 岁的红衫军新生,在 10 月 26 日对阵阿拉巴马州立大学的魔术城经典赛中因迎面碰撞受伤而死亡。 Alabama A&M University linebacker Medrick Burnett Jr., a 20-year-old redshirt freshman, died following injuries sustained from a head-on collision during the Magic City Classic game against Alabama State on October 26. 伯内特多处脑出血和肿胀,导致开颅手术。 Burnett suffered multiple brain bleeds and swelling, leading to a craniotomy. 该大学及其体育主任表示悲痛,稍后将宣布纪念安排。 The university and its athletic director expressed grief and will announce memorial arrangements later.