一名74岁的行人在Zeeland镇附近被一辆灰色的SUV击中,司机逃离现场。 A 74-year-old pedestrian was hit by a gray SUV near Zeeland Township; the driver fled the scene.
一名74岁的行人于星期一晚上6点左右在Zeeland镇88大道和Riley街附近被一辆灰色大众汽车SUV击中。 A 74-year-old pedestrian was hit by a gray Volkswagen SUV near 88th Avenue and Riley Street in Zeeland Township on Monday evening around 6 PM. 在碰撞之后,SUV逃离现场,对行人造成无生命威胁的伤害。 The SUV fled the scene after the collision, which caused non-life-threatening injuries to the pedestrian. 渥太华郡治安官办公室正在调查 他们敦促任何有情报的人站出来 The Ottawa County Sheriff's Office is investigating, and they are urging anyone with information to come forward.