土耳其部长强调和平协议对高加索稳定的重要性以及关于反恐努力的报告。 Turkish minister stresses peace deal's importance for Caucasus stability and reports on anti-terrorism efforts.
土耳其国防部长Yashar Güler在预算会谈期间强调阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚之间的和平协定对高加索地区区域稳定的重要性。 Turkish Defense Minister Yaşar Güler highlighted the importance of a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia for regional stability in the Caucasus during budget talks. 他还注意到土耳其反恐战略的转变,其重点是大规模行动,今年使2 654名激进分子失去战斗力。 He also noted Turkey's shift in strategy against terrorism, focusing on large-scale operations and neutralizing 2,654 militants this year. Güler提到,土耳其对威胁塞浦路斯稳定的活动保持警惕。 Güler mentioned Turkey's vigilance regarding activities threatening Cyprus' stability.