Travis Rouse, 35岁,在中枪后死亡;Sumter警方正在调查这一事件。 Travis Rouse, 35, died after being shot; Sumter Police are investigating the incident.
Travis Rouse, 35岁,来自Sumter, 于星期六晚上被枪杀并被送往Prisma Touomey医院。 Travis Rouse, a 35-year-old from Sumter, died after being shot and taken to Prisma Health Tuomey Hospital on Saturday evening. 枪击地点不明,并定于星期二在南卡罗来纳医学院进行尸检。 The shooting location is unknown, and an autopsy is scheduled for Tuesday at the Medical University of South Carolina. 调查由苏姆特警察局牵头。 The Sumter Police Department is leading the investigation.