TDOT在感恩节暂停田纳西州各地的车道封锁,以方便180万个公路绊脚手的旅行。 TDOT suspends lane closures across Tennessee for Thanksgiving to ease travel for 1.8 million road trippers.
田纳西州交通运输部 (TDOT) 将暂停从2024年11月27日至12月2日的州际公路和州高速公路的车道关闭,以缓解感恩节旅行. The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) will suspend lane closures on interstates and state highways from November 27 to December 2, 2024, to ease Thanksgiving travel. AAA预测有创纪录的180万特内斯人将进行公路旅行,比去年增加27 000人。 AAA predicts a record 1.8 million Tennesseans will take road trips, up 27,000 from last year. 虽然关闭车道将停止,但施工区可能仍然存在工人。 While lane closures will stop, workers may still be present in construction zones. TDOT敦促司机遵守车速限制,在工作区谨慎行事。 TDOT urges drivers to obey speed limits and be cautious in work zones.