研究表明,肥胖会通过阻碍脂肪细胞中的核糖体因子增加2型糖尿病的风险. Study shows obesity increases type 2 diabetes risk by hampering ribosomal factors in fat cells.
《细胞报告》的一项新研究发现,肥胖症通过减少身体生成对脂肪细胞至关重要的脊髓瘤因素,增加了2型糖尿病的风险。 A new study in Cell Reports finds that obesity raises the risk of type 2 diabetes by reducing the body's production of ribosomal factors, crucial for fat cells. 这种短缺导致能源储存效率低下,导致出现脂肪肝病等情况。 This shortfall causes energy to be stored inefficiently, leading to conditions like fatty liver disease. 加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员用罗格列酮治疗肥胖的糖尿病小鼠,罗格列酮可以恢复核糖体因子,帮助脂肪细胞正常运作。 Researchers from UCLA treated obese, diabetic mice with rosiglitazone, which restored ribosomal factors, helping fat cells function normally. 虽然小鼠仍然肥胖, 他们的糖尿病症状消失了, 暗示了一种潜在的新的治疗方法。 Though the mice stayed obese, their diabetes symptoms vanished, suggesting a potential new treatment approach.