一辆失窃的现代埃兰特拉在弗吉尼亚州警方追逐后坠毁,造成多人受伤,汽车着火。 A stolen Hyundai Elantra crashed after a police chase in Virginia, injuring multiple people and setting the car on fire.
周一晚上,警方在弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市追捕一辆被盗的现代伊兰特,导致一场激烈的车祸。 A police chase for a stolen Hyundai Elantra in Alexandria, Virginia, resulted in a fiery crash on Monday night. 埃兰特拉人在撞入弗吉尼亚州警车并撞入电线杆后,与Chevy Silverado和丰田Corolla交火。 After ramming into a Virginia State Police vehicle and causing it to crash into a power pole, the Elantra collided with a Chevy Silverado and a Toyota Corolla, catching fire. 许多人住院,包括一名被空运到医院的人。 Multiple people were hospitalized, including one airlifted to a hospital. 在其中一名嫌疑人身上发现了一件被盗火器。 A stolen firearm was found on one of the suspects. Silverado号驾驶员受轻伤,Corolla号的乘客没有受伤。 The driver of the Silverado had minor injuries, while the Corolla's occupants were unharmed. 该事件正在调查中。 The incident is under investigation.