新加坡的亚太基金VCC投资达50亿迪拉姆在迪拜的奢房地产公司AMIS发展. Singapore's APAC Fund VCC invests up to AED 5 billion in Dubai's luxury real estate firm AMIS Development.
新加坡第一个APAC基金(VCC)已同意向迪拜的非苏特派团开发公司投资高达50亿阿塞拜疆第纳尔,该公司以豪华房地产项目著称。 Singapore's First APAC Fund VCC has agreed to invest up to AED 5 billion in Dubai's AMIS Development, a company known for luxury real estate projects. 这项投资旨在支持AMIS发展在当地和国际市场的扩张和增长. This investment aims to support AMIS Development's expansion and growth in both local and international markets. 这项交易突显了对迪拜房地产部门的信心,这是在非盟驻苏特派团在一周内成功出售的伍德兰住宅项目之后达成的。 The deal highlights confidence in Dubai's real estate sector, following AMIS's successful Woodland Residences project, which sold out within a week.