卡车撞到Codorus镇附近的柱子 造成一人受伤 火车交通受阻 Pickup truck crashes into pole near Codorus Township, injures one, halts train traffic.
一辆小卡车撞到约克州科多鲁斯镇Blooming Grove路附近的Trump路旁的一根杆子,最后在CSX铁路轨迹上,造成一人受伤,并暂时关闭铁路线。 A pickup truck crashed into a pole on Trump Road near Blooming Grove Road in Codorus Township, York County, and ended up on the CSX railroad tracks, causing one person to be injured and temporarily shutting down the rail line. 包括一架直升机在内的紧急服务于星期一上午8时45分左右对现场作出反应。 Emergency services, including a helicopter, responded to the scene around 8:45 a.m. on Monday. 宾夕法尼亚州警察局正在调查这起事件。 The Pennsylvania State Police are investigating the incident.