Moody将7家Adani集团公司的观点改变为“消极”公司, Moody's shifted outlook on seven Adani Group firms to "negative" due to legal indictments against Adani.
Moody将七家Adani集团公司的前景从“稳定”改为“消极”: Moody's has changed the outlook for seven Adani Group companies from "stable" to "negative" following the US indictment of chairman Gautam Adani and others on bribery charges. 这一变化反映了对该集团能否获得资金以及由于正在进行的法律诉讼而可能发生的业务中断的关切。 This change reflects concerns over the group's access to funding and potential operational disruptions due to ongoing legal proceedings. 尽管前景不利,但穆迪重申所有七个实体的评级。 Despite the negative outlook, Moody's has reaffirmed the ratings on all seven entities.