明尼苏达州报告今年有18000多起DWI被捕案 节假日强化了执法力度 Minnesota reports over 18,000 DWI arrests this year, with holidays seeing intensified enforcement.
据明尼苏达州报告,2024年醉酒时驾驶(DWI)逮捕人数大幅增加,截至11月23日,逮捕人数达18 508人,到年底可能超过20 000人。 Minnesota has reported a significant rise in Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) arrests in 2024, with 18,508 arrests through November 23rd, likely surpassing 20,000 by year-end. 发生了2 412起与酒精有关的撞车事件,超速、分心驾驶和有缺陷的驾驶被列为死亡的主要原因。 There have been 2,412 alcohol-related crashes, with speeding, distracted driving, and impaired driving cited as primary causes of fatalities. 七分之一的明尼苏达人有DWI记录, 40%的人在第一次DWI之后又重犯。 One in seven Minnesotans have a DWI on their record, and 40% reoffend after their first DWI. 为了应对这些问题, 州政府在假期期间加强了酒驾执法. To combat these issues, the state is launching intensified DWI enforcement during the holiday season.