Marimaca铜公司在其Marimaca Oxide矿床附近将铜矿化区扩大到700米至400米。 Marimaca Copper Corp. extends copper mineralization area to 700m by 400m near its Marimaca Oxide Deposit.
Marimaca铜公司通过逆向环流钻探,将奔驰目标的铜矿化范围扩大到700米长和400米宽的区域。 Marimaca Copper Corp. has extended copper mineralization at its Mercedes Target to cover an area 700m long and 400m wide through reverse circulation drilling. 钻了八个洞,有六个交叉矿化。 Eight holes were drilled, with six intersecting mineralization. 该地区靠近Marimaca Oxide矿藏区,该公司计划将重点转向Sierra de Medina项目和Pampa Medina矿藏区进一步勘探。 This area is near the Marimaca Oxide Deposit, and the company plans to shift focus to the Sierra de Medina Project and Pampa Medina Deposit for further exploration.