印度批准AIM 2.0, 拨款320万澳元在2028年前促进创新与创业。 India approves AIM 2.0, allocating $320M to boost innovation and entrepreneurship by 2028.
印度内阁批准了AIM 2.0, 分配2,750卢比至2028年3月, The Indian Cabinet has approved AIM 2.0, allocating Rs 2,750 crore until March 2028 to boost innovation and entrepreneurship. 这一任务将加强创造就业机会和促进跨部门创新,包括注重语言包容性和区域发展。 This mission will enhance job creation and foster innovation across sectors, including a focus on language inclusivity and regional development. 它以AIM 1.0的成功为基础,AIM 1.0包括Atal缝纫实验室和Atal孵化中心,旨在使印度在全球舞台上更具竞争力。 It builds on the success of AIM 1.0, which included Atal Tinkering Labs and Atal Incubation Centers, aiming to make India more competitive on the global stage.