电影“布鲁塔列斯特”首映, 追踪大屠杀幸存者的建筑师在生产挑战中前往美国的旅行。 Film "The Brutalist" premieres, tracing a Holocaust survivor architect's journey to America amid production challenges.
《野兽派》是一部 215 分钟的戏剧,由布雷迪·科贝特 (Brady Corbet) 执导,讲述了一位匈牙利犹太建筑师在大屠杀中幸存下来后移民到美国的故事。 "The Brutalist," a 215-minute drama directed by Brady Corbet, follows a Hungarian Jewish architect who emigrates to America after surviving the Holocaust. 这部电影以Adrien Brody为主, 探讨残酷主义建筑、爱、嫉妒和美国梦的主题。 The film, starring Adrien Brody, explores themes of brutalist architecture, love, envy, and the American dream. 尽管面临许多挑战,包括由于大流行病和地缘政治问题造成的预算限制和生产延误,但这部电影在芝加哥国际电影节首映,并收到了积极反馈。 Despite facing numerous challenges including budget constraints and production delays due to the pandemic and geopolitical issues, the film premiered at the Chicago International Film Festival and has received positive feedback. 在匈牙利和意大利拍摄, 预算为1000万美元, “布鲁塔利名单”突显独立电影制作的困难。 Filmed in Hungary and Italy on a $10 million budget, "The Brutalist" highlights the difficulties of independent filmmaking.