爆炸石在凌晨3点关闭了印度昌迪加尔的餐馆;没有报告有人受伤。 Explosion rocks closed restaurant in Chandigarh, India, at 3 AM; no injuries reported.
11月26日凌晨3点15分, 在印度Chandigarh的De'Orra-Alehouse和Kitchen餐厅外发生爆炸, 餐厅关闭, An explosion occurred outside De'Orra - Alehouse and Kitchen restaurant in Chandigarh, India, at 3:15 AM on November 26, with the restaurant closed and no injuries reported. 7至8名工人在里面,但没有受伤。 Seven to eight workers were inside but unharmed. 闭路电视系统没有运作,警方正在调查爆炸原因。 The CCTV system was not functioning, and police are investigating the cause of the explosion.