医生说淋浴时尿尿很安全 但要小心 不要在浴缸或浴缸里撒尿 Doctors say peeing in the shower is safe, but caution against doing it in baths or hot tubs.
地质学家证实,淋浴中尿尿对男女来说一般是安全和卫生的,尽管妇女通过避免强迫压力而可能受益更多。 Urologists confirm that peeing in the shower is generally safe and hygienic for both men and women, though women may benefit more by avoiding forced straining. 尿液很容易被淋浴水冲走,从而减少感染风险。 Urine can be easily washed away by shower water, reducing infection risks. 然而,由于细菌和真菌在温暖、停滞的水中生长的危险,在浴缸和热浴缸中小便受到抑制。 However, urinating in baths and hot tubs is discouraged due to the risk of bacteria and fungi growth in warm, stagnant water. 有包皮的男人应该收回它以避免真菌感染。 Men with foreskin should retract it to avoid fungal infections. 总的说来,虽然方便,但在某些情形中建议谨慎行事。 Overall, while convenient, caution is advised in certain scenarios.