乡村歌手Zach Bryan在吉他手被击中后暂停了他的音乐会,谴责投掷物体的行为。 Country singer Zach Bryan paused his concert to condemn object-throwing after his guitarist was hit.
在华盛顿塔科马(Tacoma)的音乐会上, 乡村歌手扎克·布莱恩(Zach Bryan)在人群投掷的物体击中吉他手后暂停表演。 At a concert in Tacoma, Washington, country singer Zach Bryan paused his performance after an object thrown from the crowd hit his guitarist. Bryan向观众们讲话,要求帮助确定投掷者,并强调在音乐会上投掷物体是不可接受的。 Bryan addressed the audience, asking for help to identify the thrower and emphasized that throwing objects at concerts is unacceptable. 物体和责任人的身份没有确定。 The identity of the object and the responsible person were not determined. 布莱恩的下一场音乐会定于 俄勒冈州波特兰的星期二举行 Bryan's next concert is scheduled for Tuesday in Portland, Oregon.