在SC的Anderson县狩猎松鼠时,一名儿童在胃部中意外中弹,并住院。 A child was accidentally shot in the stomach while hunting squirrels in Anderson County, SC, and is hospitalized.
南卡罗来纳州安德森县的一位儿童在松鼠狩猎时意外腹部中弹,并住院。 A child in Anderson County, South Carolina, was accidentally shot in the stomach while squirrel hunting and is hospitalized. 南卡罗来纳州自然资源局正在调查发生在私人财产上的这一事件。 The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is investigating the incident, which occurred on private property. 儿童的年龄和其他细节尚未披露。 The child's age and other details have not been disclosed.