CD Projekt Red 将《巫师 4》全面投入制作,有 400 多名开发人员,不包括杰洛特。 CD Projekt Red moves "The Witcher 4" into full production with over 400 devs, excluding Geralt.
CD Projekt Red 宣布,《巫师》系列中即将推出的游戏“Project Polaris”已进入全面生产阶段,该工作室的 650 名开发人员中有 400 多名正在开发中。 CD Projekt Red has announced that "Project Polaris," the upcoming game in The Witcher series, has moved into full-scale production, with over 400 of the studio's 650 developers working on it. 这场叫"女巫4"的游戏旨在提供一种新的和独特的体验,虽然Geralt不会成为中心人物。 The game, known as The Witcher 4, aims to offer a new and distinctive experience, though Geralt will not be the central character. 正式名称和发行日期仍未公布,但工作室正在取得迅速进展。 The official title and release date remain undisclosed, but the studio is making rapid progress.