Canadiens从AHL召回Joshua Roy; Patrik Laine 练习,但不准备返回。 Canadiens recall forward Joshua Roy from AHL; Patrik Laine practices but isn't set to return.
蒙特利尔卡纳迪安人将Joshua Roy召回AHL, 因为他在17场比赛中得分8个球, The Montreal Canadiens have recalled forward Joshua Roy from the AHL after he scored eight goals and eight assists in 17 games. Patrik Laine在膝盖受伤后康复,参加正规球衣的练习,但本周不会返回。 Patrik Laine, recovering from a knee injury, participated in practice in a regular jersey but won't return this week. 斯拉夫科夫斯基和达赫被移到第四行,强调小组需要更好的业绩。 Slafkovsky and Dach were moved to the fourth line, emphasizing the team's need for better performance.